Registration (information)

Registrations are made from this platform until january, 15th 2020. If you already have an account on (created for participation in another event), you can reuse it. Otherwise you need to create an account by clicking on the link "create an account" in the "Connected Space" section of the menu on the left.

Once you have created your account, you will be able to log in and have access to the registration page.

There are four types of registration (note that registration is mandatory):

Students: registration is free and includes access to the event, badge, program and coffee breaks (lunch is not provided).
STL members/trainers in the university's translation programmes: registration is free and includes access to the event, badge, program and coffee breaks (lunch is not provided).
Speakers: registration is free and includes access to the event, the badge, the program, coffee breaks and lunch.
Other: registration costs € 30 and includes access to the event, badge, program, coffee breaks and lunch.

Please go to Registration page. If you have any questions about registration, you can contact the site administrator by clicking on the "@Contact" link at the bottom of the menu.

Online user: 14 Privacy